Nikon 與 Canon 新機身比較表

Nikon 發表了震撼的 D3 與 D300 機身,還有五款鏡頭,確實是讓我們這種 N 家的用戶大為振奮啊!不過,不要說 D3 買不起了,D300 也買不起。


  • D3/D300 的 LiveView 模式仍然可以自動對焦,但 Canon 的 LiveView 模式只有手動對焦(應為 dpreview 網站資料錯誤)。
  • D3 的 5:4 尺寸,我會覺得是拿來解決邊角失光的權宜之計。
  • D3 似乎沒有提及除塵系統?
  • 去意淫 DIGIC III 還是 EXPEED 然後認為就可以怎麼樣的想法我覺得很幼稚,反正就是看最後成品照,好就是好,不好就是不好,大家還是會把帳算在 Nikon 與 Canon 頭上,而不是只算在這兩顆晶片上。
  • D3/D300 的 LCD 可視角度達到 170 度,這對於 LiveView 時的幫助很大,尤其是當大家都希望能夠有翻轉式 LCD 時,可視角度寬廣的 LCD 螢幕可以說是不無小補。
  • DX(APS) 與 FX(FF) 會共存,是不同價位的產品線。理由是這次出的全幅鏡頭及機身,全部都是高價位。想要享受 24-70mm 這個焦段的便宜貨,請用 DX 機身 + 副廠恆定 F2.8 變焦鏡來解決。
  • 過去有個觀念:「機身防手震就能讓所有鏡頭都防手震化,所以是很節省成本的作法」,可是我們可以看到,機身防手震會直接幫助到便宜鏡頭沒錯,但是畫質好的恆定光圈鏡,不管有沒有 VR/IS/其他減震名目,其實都很貴,當你已經買得起四五萬元的鏡頭時,你恐怕不會覺得多一個 VR/IS 機制後所增加的成本有多痛了。此外理論上鏡頭防手震的效果會比機身防手震要來得佳,因為可以針對每個鏡頭的焦段特性最佳化 VR/IS 的零件。當然,過去這個觀念還是有他的道理,只是,沒有錢買四五萬元鏡頭的人,又能買幾顆便宜的鏡頭來享受「所有鏡頭均防手震」的效益?而買得起打鳥鏡頭的人,不管買哪一家的鏡頭+機身,恐怕都要準備二十萬以上的台幣才能打好鳥,其實也不會在乎那一點點錢是不是可以用防手震機身去省了。

以下我把最近這四台機身的規格,從 那邊抄過來,把我覺得值得比較的項目都列在一起,方便做個比較。

  Nikon D3 Nikon D300 Canon 1Ds Mark III Canon 40D
價格 US: $ 4999 US: $ 1799 US: $7,999 US: $ 1,299
機身結構 Magnesium alloy Magnesium alloy Magnesium alloy (exterior, chassis and mirror box) Magnesium alloy
感光元件 • 36 x 23.9 mm CMOS
• FX format
• RGB Color Filter Array
• Built-in fixed low-pass filter
• 12.9 million total pixels
• 12.1 million effective pixels
• 3:2 aspect ratio
• 23.6 x 15.8 mm CMOS
• DX format
• RGB Color Filter Array
• Built-in fixed low-pass filter (with self-cleaning unit)
• 13.1 million total pixels
• 12.3 million effective pixels
• 3:2 aspect ratio
• 36 x 24 mm CMOS
• Full 35 mm size frame
• RGB Color Filter Array
• Built-in fixed low-pass filter (with self-cleaning unit)
• 21.9 million total pixels
• 21.1 million effective pixels
• 6.4 µm pixel pitch
• 3:2 aspect ratio
• 22.2 x 14.8 mm CMOS
• RGB Color Filter Array
• Built-in fixed low-pass filter (with self-cleaning unit)
• 10.5 million total pixels
• 10.1 million effective pixels
• 5.7 µm pixel pitch
• 3:2 aspect ratio
A/D conversion 14 bit 14 bit 14 bit 14 bit
影像大小 FX:
• 4256 x 2832 [L; 12.1 MP]
• 3184 x 2120 [M; 6.8 MP]
• 2128 x 1416 [S; 3.0 MP]

• 2784 x 1848 [L; 5.1 MP]
• 2080 x 1384 [M; 2.9 MP]
• 1392 x 920 [S; 1.3 MP]]

• 3552 x 2832 [L; 10.0 MP]
• 2656 x 2120 [M; 5.6 MP]
• 1776 x 1416 [S; 2.5 MP]

• 4288 x 2848 [L; 12.2
• 3216 x 2136 [M; 6.9 MP]
• 2144 x 1424 [S; 3.1 MP]
• 5616 x 3744 (L; 21.0
• 4992 x 3328 (M1; 16.6 MP)
• 4080 x 2720 (M2; 11.0 MP)
• 2784 x 1856 (S; 5.2 MP)
• 3888 x 2592 (L; 10.1
• 2816 x 1880 (M; 5.3 MP)
• 1936 x 1288 (S; 2.5 MP)
除塵 ? • Self-cleaning sensor unit
(‘Clean image sensor’) *
• Image dust-off data acquisition (Capture NX required)
• "EOS Integrated
Cleaning System"
• Self-cleaning sensor unit (filter in front of sensor vibrates at high
frequency at start-up and shutdown – can be disabled)
• Dust Delete Data – Data from a test shot is used to ‘map’ dust spots and
can be later removed using Canon DPP Software
• "EOS Integrated
Cleaning System"
• Self-cleaning sensor unit (filter in front of sensor vibrates at high
frequency at start-up and shutdown – can be disabled)
• Dust Delete Data – Data from a test shot is used to ‘map’ dust spots and
can be later removed using Canon DPP Software
對焦系統 • 51 focus points (15
cross-type sensors)
• Multi-CAM 3500FX
• AF working range: -1 to +19 EV (ISO 100, normal temperature)
• Contrast Detect in Live View (Tripod) mode
• 51 focus points (15
cross-type sensors) *
• Multi-CAM 3500DX *
• AF working range: -1 to +19 EV (ISO 100, normal temperature)
• Contrast Detect in Live View (Tripod) mode
• 45-point TTL
• 19 cross-type points, require F2.8 or faster lens *
• Center cross-type point requires F4.0 or faster lens
• 26 assist points, require F5.6 or faster lens *
• TTL-AREA-SIR with a CMOS sensor
• AF working range: -1.0 to 18 EV (at 23°C, ISO 100)
• 9-point TTL CMOS
• All points cross-type for lenses of F5.6 or faster *
• Center point additionally sensitive with lenses of F2.8 or faster *
• AF working range: -0.5 – 18 EV (at 23°C, ISO 100)
測光 •TTL full-aperture exposure
metering using 1005-pixel RGB sensor
• 3D Color Matrix Metering II (type G and D lenses); color matrix metering
II (other CPU lenses); color matrix metering (non-CPU lenses if user provides
lens data; metering performed)
• Center-weighted: Weight of 75% given to 8, 15, or 20 mm dia. circle in
center of frame or weighting based on average of entire frame
• Spot: Meters approx. 4 mm dia. circle (about 1.5% of frame) centered on
selected focus point (on center focus point when non-CPU lens is used)
•TTL full-aperture exposure
metering using 1005-pixel RGB sensor
• 3D Color Matrix Metering II (type G and D lenses); color matrix metering
II (other CPU lenses); color matrix metering (non-CPU lenses if user provides
lens data; metering performed)
• Center-weighted: Weight of 75% given to 6, 8, 10, or 13 mm dia. circle in
center of frame or weighting based on average of entire frame (8 mm circle
when non-CPU lens is used)
• Spot: Meters approx. 3 mm dia. circle (about 2.0% of frame) centered on
selected focus point (on center focus point when non-CPU lens is used)
• 63 zone metering linked
to 19 AF points *

• Modes: Center, Linked to AF point, Multi-spot (up to 8 readings)

• TTL 35 zone SPC
測光範圍 • 3D Color Matrix Metering:
0 to 20 EV
• Center-Weighted Metering: 0 to 20 EV
• Spot Metering: 2 to 20 EV
• At normal temperature (20°C/68°F), ISO 100 equivalent, f/1.4 lens
• 3D Color Matrix Metering:
0 to 20 EV
• Center-Weighted Metering: 0 to 20 EV
• Spot Metering: 2 to 20 EV
• At normal temperature (20°C/68°F), ISO 100 equivalent, f/1.4 lens
• Metering range: 0 – 20 EV • Metering range: EV 0.0 – 20 EV *
感光度 • Default: ISO 200 – 6400
in 1/3, 1/2 or 1.0 EV steps
• Boost: 100 – 12800 in 1/3, 1/2 or 1.0 EV steps, HI2 = ISO 25600
• Default: ISO 200 – 3200
in 1/3, 1/2 or 1.0 EV steps
• Boost: 100 – 6400 in 1/3, 1/2 or 1.0 EV steps
• ISO 100 – 1600
• 0.3 or 1.0 EV increments
• ISO 50 (Enhanced L)
• ISO 3200 (Enhanced H)
• Auto ISO (see below)*
• ISO 100 – 1600
• 0.3 or 1.0 EV increments
• ISO 3200 (Enhanced H)
快門 • Electronically-controlled
vertical-travel focal plane shutter
• 30 to 1/8000 sec (1/3, 1/2 or 1.0 EV steps)
• Flash X-Sync: 1/250 sec
• Bulb
• Electronically-controlled
vertical-travel focal plane shutter
• 30 to 1/8000 sec (1/3, 1/2 or 1.0 EV steps)
• Flash X-Sync: 1/250 sec (up to 1/320 sec with reduced GN *)
• Bulb
• Focal-plane shutter
• 300,000 exposure durability *
• 30 – 1/8000 sec
• 0.3, 0.5 or 1.0 EV increments
• Flash X-Sync: 1/250 sec
• Bulb
• Focal-plane shutter
• 100,000 exposure durability
• 30 – 1/8000 sec
• 0.3 or 0.5 EV increments
• Flash X-Sync: 1/250 sec
• Bulb
白平衡 • Auto (1005-pixel CCD,
image sensor)
• Presets (seven) with fine tuning
• Manual presets (four)
• Color temperature in Kelvin (2500 – 10000 K, 31 steps)
• White balance bracketing (2 to 9 frames, 10,20,30 MIRED steps)
• Auto (1005-pixel CCD,
image sensor)
• Presets (seven) with fine tuning *
• Manual presets (four)
• Color temperature in Kelvin (2500 – 10000 K, 31 steps)
• White balance bracketing (2 to 9 frames, 10,20,30 MIRED steps)
• Auto
• Daylight
• Shade
• Cloudy
• Tungsten
• Fluorescent
• Flash
• Custom (up to 5 can be stored)
• Kelvin (2500 – 10000 K in 100 K steps)
• Personal WB (up to 5 can be preset in software *)
• Auto
• Daylight
• Shade
• Cloudy
• Tungsten
• Fluorescent
• Flash
• Custom
• Kelvin (2500 * – 10000 K in 100 K steps)
觀景窗 • Optical-type fixed
eye-level pentaprism
• Built-in diopter adjustment (-3 to +1m-1)
• Eyepoint: 18 mm (at -1.0m-1)
• Focusing screen: Type B BriteView Clear Matte VI screen
• Frame coverage 100%
• Viewfinder magnification approx 0.7x with 50 mm f/1.4 lens
• Optical-type fixed
eye-level pentaprism
• Built-in diopter adjustment (-2 to +1m-1)
• Eyepoint: 19.5 mm (at -1.0m-1)
• Frame coverage 100% *
• Viewfinder magnification approx 0.94x with 50 mm f/1.4 lens
• Eye-level
• 100% frame coverage
• Magnification: 0.76x * (-1 diopter with 50 mm lens at infinity)
• Eyepoint: 20 mm
• Dioptric adjustment: -3 to +1 diopter
• Precision matte screen Ee-C IV (interchangeable)
• Eye-piece shutter available via lever
• Eye-level
• 95% frame coverage
• Magnification: 0.95x * (-1 diopter with 50 mm lens at infinity)
• Eyepoint: 22 mm *
• Interchangeable focusing screen Ef-A standard (2 other types optional)
• Dioptric adjustment: -3.0 to +1.0 diopter
LCD螢幕 • 3.0 " TFT LCD
• 922,000 pixels(實際 640×480)
• 170° viewing angle
• Brightness adjustment
• 3.0 " TFT LCD
• 922,000 pixels(實際 640×480)
• 170° viewing angle
• Brightness adjustment
• 3.0" TFT LCD
• 230,000 pixels(實際 320×240)
• 7 brightness levels
• 3.0 " TFT LCD
• 230,000 pixels(實際 320×240)
• 7 brightness levels
LCD即時預覽 • Handheld mode: TLL
phase-difference AF with 51 focus areas (15 cross-type sensors)
• Tripod mode: focal-plane contrast AF on a desired point within a specific
• Handheld mode: TLL
phase-difference AF with 51 focus areas (15 cross-type sensors)
• Tripod mode: focal-plane contrast AF on a desired point within a specific
• Live TTL display of scene
from CMOS image sensor
• 100% frame coverage
• Real-time evaluative metering using CMOS image sensor
• Best view or exposure simulation
• Grid optional (thirds)
• Magnify optional (5x or 10x at AF point)
• Aspect ratio masking for 6:6, 3:4, 4:5, 6:7, 10:12 and 5:7
• Remote live view using EOS Utility 2.0 (via USB or WiFi/Ethernet using
• Manual focus only(應該是錯誤的)
• Live TTL display of scene
from CMOS image sensor
• 100% frame coverage
• Real-time evaluative metering using CMOS image sensor
• Best view or exposure simulation
• Grid optional (thirds)
• Magnify optional (5x or 10x at AF point)
• Optional Auto-focus with mirror-down / mirror-up sequence
• Two modes; normal and quieter
• Remote live view using EOS Utility 2.0 (via USB or WiFi/Ethernet using
• Manual focus only(應該是錯誤的)
連拍能力 • Single frame
• Continuous Low [CL]: 1 – 9 fps
• Continuous High [CH]: 9 fps (9 – 11 fps with DX format)
• Liveview [LV]
• Self-Timer (programmable)
• Mirror-up mode
• Single frame
• Continuous Low [CL]
• Continuous High [CH]
• Liveview [LV]
• Self-Timer (programmable)
• Mirror-up mode
• With built-in battery: up to 6 fps
• With AC adapter or MB-D10 pack and batteries other than EN-EL3e: up to 8
• Single
• Silent (single frame) *
• High-speed continuous: 5 fps * (adjustable 5 – 2 fps)
• Low-speed continuous: 3 fps * (adjustable 4 – 1 fps)
• Self-timer: 2 or 10 sec (3 sec with mirror lock-up)
• Single
• High-speed continuous: 6.5 fps *
• Low-speed continuous: 3 fps
• Self-timer: 2 or 10 sec (3 sec with mirror lock-up)
連拍緩衝區 • JPEG Large/Normal: 64
shots (at 9 fps)
• RAW: no data yet
• JPEG Large/Normal: 100
shots (at 6 fps)
• RAW: no data yet
• Large/Fine JPEG: 56
• RAW: 12 frames
• RAW+JPEG: 10 frames
• Large/Fine JPEG: 75
• RAW: 17 frames
• RAW+JPEG: 14 frames
自訂功能 ? custom functions 48 custom functions 57 custom functions in 4 groups 24 custom functions in 4 groups
儲存媒體 • Dual Compact Flash Type I
or II
• Dual modes: overflow, back-up, RAW on 1 / JPEG on 2, copy
• UDMA, Microdrive and FAT32 supported
• 36 characters of text can be input and stored in EXIF header
• Compact Flash Type I or
• UDMA *, Microdrive and FAT32 supported
• 36 characters of text can be input and stored in EXIF header
• Compact Flash Type I or
II (supports UDMA) *
• SD card slot (supports SD/SDHC) *
• External USB hard drives (requires WFT-E2/E2A) *
• Canon Original Data Security Kit supported ("Original Image
• Compact Flash Type I or
II (inc. FAT32)
• Canon Original Data Security Kit supported ("Original Image
• No CF card supplied
電力資訊 The LCD monitor on the
camera back displays the following information about the battery:
• Remaining charge (%)
• No. of shots taken since last charge
• Battery life (5 stages)
The LCD monitor on the
camera back displays the following information
about the EN-EL3e battery:
• Remaining charge (%)
• No. of shots taken since last charge
• Battery life (5 stages)
• Current power
• Remaining capacity
• Current shutter count on this battery charge
• Recharge performance
• Lithium-Ion BP-511A
rechargeable battery (supplied & charger)
• Supports BP-511 / BP-511A / BP-512 / BP-514
• CR2016 Lithium battery (date/time backup)
• Optional AC adapter
大小 160 x 157 x 88 mm (6.3 x
6.2 x 3.4 in)
147 x 114 x 74 mm (5.8 x
4.5 x 2.9 in)
150 x 160 x 80 mm (6.1 x
6.2 x 3.1 in)
146 x 108 x 74 mm (5.7 x 4.2 x 2.9 in)
重量(不含電池) 1240 g (2.7 lb) 825 g (1.82 lb) 1205 g (2.7 lb) 740 g (1.6 lb)


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11 Responses

  1. 匿名訪客表示:

    Taipei IE IE 6.0 Windows Windows XP

    Canon LCD 23萬像素也是灌水的喔。

  2. Johnson.Wang表示:

    Hong Kong Firefox Firefox Windows Windows XP

    哈!原來是這樣,謝謝您的提醒,來修正一下。 😉

  3. 匿名訪客表示:

    Taipei IE IE 6.0 Windows Windows XP


  4. Johnson.Wang表示:

    Taipei Firefox Firefox Windows Windows Vista

    其實我比較想加 Nikon D2x 的,因為歷來 Nikon 的機身都有以下犯上的傳統,這次很多人也說 D300 根本就是 D2x 下放,但是到底下放到什麼程度我也很好奇。而且再加一欄那每一欄就更窄了,所以我再想想吧!


    Taipei Firefox Firefox Windows Windows XP

    (嘆…)一開始看到40D原本想, 終於有台APS-C足夠引誘我換掉350D.
    看到Nikon的出擊, 還真令人傻眼.
    不過D300應該會破六萬的售價…, 跟40D還是有一萬多差距.
    看來, 5D後繼機canon應該也被迫只能賣比D300貴一點.
    忍著…, 等著撿便宜5D或者5D mk2了…

  6. San Wang表示:

    Taipei Safari Safari 522.12.1 Mac OS Mac OS

    呼呼呼∼Nikon 出頭天了,雖然我還是只能用 D80。 (H)

  7. Johnson.Wang表示:

    Taipei Firefox Firefox Windows Windows Vista

    其實我也是只能用 D80,換不起 D300。 (cry)

  8. Sundance表示:

    Taipei IE IE 6.0 Windows Windows XP

    320 X 240 X 3(RGB) = 230400 = 23萬畫素 (也就是Canon的3″ 23萬畫素)
    640 X 480 X 3(RGB) = 921600 = 92萬畫素

  9. 蛋糕妹表示:

    Taipei IE IE 6.0 Windows Windows XP

    請問 沒碰過單眼的人 是否不建議直接購入等級較高的設備?
    就市面上琳瑯滿目的機種來看 2萬元以內的是不是就足夠初學者使用?
    那麼 可否不需透過課程的學習 自己摸索或是參考別人的使用心得就可以了呢?
    (當然 如果預算許可 也是可以尋求一些課程的管道來讓自己的技術更進一步啦)
    謝謝回覆 ^^

  10. Johnson.Wang表示:

    Hong Kong Firefox Firefox Windows Windows XP

    > 請問 沒碰過單眼的人 是否不建議直接購入等級較高的設備?


    但我不會反對初學時直接購入中高階的機身就是了,畢竟這樣子學起來會更完整。就以我比較熟的 Nikon 機身來說,買低階的 D40/D40x/D50/D60 這幾種機身,一般曝光組合是夠了,可是你玩不到 Nikon 的無線閃燈系統,SB-600/SB-800 這兩種閃光燈也無法在低階的機身上發揮全部的功能。

    > 就市面上琳瑯滿目的機種來看 2萬元以內的是不是就足夠初學者使用?


    > 那麼 可否不需透過課程的學習 自己摸索或是參考別人的使用心得就可以了呢?
    (當然 如果預算許可 也是可以尋求一些課程的管道來讓自己的技術更進一步啦)


    1. 器材狂、開箱文,琳瑯滿目的各式各樣器材介紹、大車拼、高裝檢、疊疊樂,完全沒有攝影技術的討論。

    2. 高手分享他們的毒照片,照片美的令人心醉,但是多半不會告訴你這是怎麼拍的,也不會留下拍照時的 EXIF 資訊,更喜歡讓你以為某器材某鏡頭就是可以拍這麼美,其實他後製的功夫全部一個字都不講,也等於幾乎沒有攝影技術的討論。

    3. 廠牌大戰區,整天當嘴砲魔人,自以為是各家相機廠的 CEO,替相機在決定下一代機身該怎麼做,器材該多少錢,對手有多笨或多聰明,完全沒有攝影技術的討論。



  11. 蛋糕妹表示:

    Taipei IE IE 7.0 Windows Windows XP

    😀 很感謝Johnson大大每一次都很細心的講解 (Y) (Y)
    我期待能挑一台適合自己的單眼相機的 ^^


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